Currently playing: 442. Expositor WK16+1159-StockDory Starfish-0.1

Previous game 441. StockDory Starfish-0.1-Expositor WK16+1159 1/2-1/2 added to BayesElo lists, result table:

Position in r-mobility table and r-moblity points can give different order in some cases

Pos Engine Rating % Points Games SB r-mobility points r-mobility -/- points Direct encounter
1. LCZero 0.31-dag-a487796-BT3-2860000 3633±18 69.4 12.5 18 129.50 12.458984375 -0.041015625 1.0
2. Stockfish dev-20240114-b5e8169a 3660±18 69.4 12.5 18 123.50 12.533355713 0.033355713 1.0
3. Ethereal 14.28 3520±30 61.1 11.0 18 107.00 10.818359375 -0.181640625 0.0
4. RubiChess 20240112 3528±26 58.3 10.5 18 108.00 10.591796875 0.091796875 2.5
5. KomodoDragon 3.3 3587±29 58.3 10.5 18 107.75 10.497924506 -0.002075494 1.5
6. Seer 20240111 3484±38 58.3 10.5 18 103.50 10.532714839 0.032714839 4.0
7. Obsidian dev-9.35 3519±77 58.3 10.5 18 102.25 10.478942871 -0.021057129 0.5
8. DeepSjeng 3.6 a30 3379±29 58.3 10.5 18 99.25 10.470581055 -0.029418945 0.5
9. Clover 6.1.6 3441±29 58.3 10.5 18 97.75 10.615264893 0.115264893 1.0
10. Berserk 20240114_tcec-swiss6 3557±83 55.6 10.0 18 101.00 9.994293213 -0.005706787 1.5
11. Caissa 1.16.2 3433±30 55.6 10.0 18 97.50 10.000000060 0.000000060 0.0
12. Altair 6.1.3 3398±80 55.6 10.0 18 93.00 10.122558354 0.122558354 0.0
13. Arasan 24.1_3dc7872 3396±38 55.6 10.0 18 92.25 10.085875511 0.085875511 2.0
14. Viridithas 12.0.0-dev3 3422±31 52.8 9.5 18 91.50 9.533081057 0.033081057 3.0
15. Igel 3.5.5 3500±27 52.8 9.5 18 89.75 9.507873714 0.007873714 3.0
16. rofChade 3.103 3484±39 52.8 9.5 18 89.00 9.514282286 0.014282286 3.5
17. ScorpioNN 3367±40 52.8 9.5 18 88.25 10.005828857 0.505828857 2.5
18. Uralochka 3.41.dev1-avx512 3374±39 52.8 9.5 18 87.50 9.500061021 0.000061021 3.0
19. Ginkgo 4.0 3344±41 52.8 9.5 18 87.25 9.484375719 -0.015624281 1.5
20. Minic 3.40 3430±37 52.8 9.5 18 87.25 9.257323980 -0.242676020 2.5
21. akimbo 0.8.0 3403±77 52.8 9.5 18 86.75 9.250000019 -0.249999981 0.0
22. Booot 7.2 3355±42 52.8 9.5 18 85.50 9.083983421 -0.416016579 2.0
23. Weiss 2.1-dev10 3334±46 50.0 10.0 20 83.00 9.976562496 -0.023437504 0.5
24. Revenge 20231112 3441±39 50.0 9.0 18 85.25 8.992187723 -0.007812277 3.0
25. BlackMarlin 8.0 3368±40 50.0 9.0 18 84.50 9.058715819 0.058715819 0.0
26. Velvet 6.0.0 3329±41 50.0 9.0 18 84.00 9.187500000 0.187500000 1.5
27. Willow 3.1_dev 3341±76 50.0 9.0 18 82.50 9.015624996 0.015624996 3.5
28. Stormphrax 4.0.8-tcec_8c37ad4 3331±80 50.0 9.0 18 81.75 9.001464843 0.001464843 0.5
29. Marvin 6.3.0-4 3315±40 50.0 9.0 18 81.75 8.947540283 -0.052459717 1.0
30. Stoofvlees II b5 3476±35 50.0 9.0 18 77.25 9.033172846 0.033172846 0.0
31. ChessFighter 3.17 3145±46 47.5 9.5 20 66.75 9.500095371 0.000095371 2.0
32. 4ku 4.0 3043±31 47.5 9.5 20 60.75 9.398437515 -0.101562485 1.0
33. Expositor WK16+1159 3236±44 47.4 9.0 19 74.00 8.968749046 -0.031250954 3.0
34. StockDory Starfish-0.1 3116±46 47.4 9.0 19 58.75 8.874999032 -0.125000968 2.0
35. Equisetum s_4.1.1_NN_variegatum_d 3302±42 47.2 8.5 18 79.50 8.695190668 0.195190668 1.5
36. Tucano 11.14 3286±40 47.2 8.5 18 76.00 8.360534370 -0.139465630 3.0
37. Texel 1.11 3275±77 47.2 8.5 18 75.75 8.718261719 0.218261719 3.5
38. Winter 2.07e 3260±47 47.2 8.5 18 70.75 8.628967524 0.128967524 2.0
39. Stash 35.6 3238±45 47.2 8.5 18 70.50 8.466796891 -0.033203109 0.5
40. Mr_Bob dev-20240115 3188±44 47.2 8.5 18 66.75 8.991701126 0.491701126 1.0
41. Counter 5.5 3172±86 47.2 8.5 18 64.00 8.654296636 0.154296636 2.5
42. Avalanche 2.1.0 3225±78 47.2 8.5 18 61.75 7.962829590 -0.537170410 3.5
43. Wasp 6.65c 3280±36 47.2 8.5 18 57.00 8.407715082 -0.092284918 2.5
44. Cheng 4.44_dev 3120±81 45.0 9.0 20 60.75 8.969238266 -0.030761734 2.5
45. ice4 4 3008±31 40.0 8.0 20 58.75 7.976928770 -0.023071230 0.0
46. Cheese 3.2.0 2957±86 27.5 5.5 20 34.00 5.500027657 0.000027657 0.0
47. Bagatur 3.7e 2891±66 22.5 4.5 20 28.75 4.375000000 -0.125000000 0.0
48. STRO4K 2.1 2758±44 15.0 3.0 20 23.00 3.000000015 0.000000015 0.0

R-mobility results as a table, not used as a tiebreak (see r-mobility points above)

G0.0==mate (including cursed mates), score(number of games), previous game was -G2.0
37 different goal results, 18 results G15.5 G16.5 G17.5 G18.5 G19.5 G20.5 G21.5 G22.5 G23.5 G24.5 G27.5 G28.5 G29.5 G30.5 G31.5 G32.5 G33.5 G34.5 not listed

Pos Name G0.0 G1.0 G2.0 G2.5 G3.0 G4.0 G5.0 G5.5 G6.0 G6.5 G7.0 G8.5 G9.0 G9.5 G10.5 G11.5 G12.5 G13.5 G14.5
1. Stockfish dev-20240114-b5e8169a 7(9) 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 1(1)
2. LCZero 0.31-dag-a487796-BT3-2860000 7(9) -1(1) -1(1) -1(3) 0(2)
3. Ethereal 14.28 4(12) -1(1) -2(2) 1(1) -1(1)
4. Clover 6.1.6 3(11) 1(1) -1(1) -1(1) 1(1)
5. RubiChess 20240112 3(9) 3(3) -1(3)
6. Seer 20240111 3(9) 1(1) 1(1) -1(1) -1(1) -1(1)
7. KomodoDragon 3.3 3(11) -1(1) -1(1) -1(1) -1(1)
8. Obsidian dev-9.35 3(9) -1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) -1(1)
9. DeepSjeng 3.6 a30 3(11) -1(1) 1(1) -1(1)
10. Altair 6.1.3 2(10) 1(1) 0(2) -1(1) -1(1) -1(1) -1(1)
11. Arasan 24.1_3dc7872 2(8) 1(1) -1(1) -1(1) -1(1) -1(1)
12. ScorpioNN 2(8) 0(2) 1(3) -1(1) -1(1)
13. Caissa 1.16.2 2(16) 1(1)
14. Berserk 20240114_tcec-swiss6 2(8) -1(3) 1(1) 1(1) -1(1) -1(1) -1(1)
15. Viridithas 12.0.0-dev3 1(9) 1(1) 0(2) 1(1) -1(1) 2(2)
16. rofChade 3.103 1(11) 2(2) -1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 1(1)
17. Igel 3.5.5 1(9) 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) -1(1)
18. Uralochka 3.41.dev1-avx512 1(13) 1(1) -1(1) 1(1)
19. Ginkgo 4.0 1(9) -1(1) 1(1) 1(1) -1(1) 0(2) 1(1)
20. Minic 3.40 1(11) -2(2) 1(1) -1(1) -1(1)
21. akimbo 0.8.0 1(11) -2(2) 0(2) 1(1) 1(1)
22. Velvet 6.0.0 0(12) 1(1) 2(2)
23. Booot 7.2 0(8) 1(3) -1(1) -1(1) -1(1) -1(1)
24. BlackMarlin 8.0 0(10) 0(2) 2(2) -2(2) 1(1) -1(1)
25. Stoofvlees II b5 0(12) 1(1) 1(1) -1(1) 1(1)
26. Willow 3.1_dev 0(6) 0(2) 1(1) -2(2) -1(1)
27. Stormphrax 4.0.8-tcec_8c37ad4 0(10) 1(1) -1(1) -1(1)
28. Revenge 20231112 0(10) 0(2) -1(1) 1(1) -1(1)
29. Mr_Bob dev-20240115 0(8) 0(2) -1(1) -1(1) 1(1)
30. Weiss 2.1-dev10 0(10) -1(1) 1(1) -1(1)
31. Marvin 6.3.0-4 0(6) -1(1) 2(2) 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 1(1)
32. Texel 1.11 -1(9) 2(2) -1(1) -1(3)
33. Equisetum s_4.1.1_NN_variegatum_d -1(9) 2(2) -2(2) 1(1) -1(1) 1(1) 0(2)
34. Counter 5.5 -1(11) 1(1) 1(1) -1(1) -1(1)
35. Winter 2.07e -1(9) 1(1) 0(2) 2(2) 1(1) 1(1)
36. ChessFighter 3.17 -1(11) 0(2) 0(2) 1(1) -1(1) 1(1) 1(1)
37. Expositor WK16+1159 -1(9) -1(3) -1(1) 1(1)
38. Stash 35.6 -1(11) -1(1) -1(1) 1(1) 1(1)
39. Wasp 6.65c -1(11) -1(1) 1(1) 1(1) -1(1) 1(1)
40. 4ku 4.0 -1(13) -1(1) 1(1) -1(1) 1(1)
41. StockDory Starfish-0.1 -1(11) -1(1) 0(2) -1(1) -1(1)
42. Tucano 11.14 -1(9) -1(1) -1(1) 2(2) 1(1) 1(1) -1(1) -1(1)
43. Cheng 4.44_dev -2(14) -1(1) 1(1) -1(1)
44. Avalanche 2.1.0 -2(8) -1(1) -1(1) 1(3) -1(1)
45. ice4 4 -4(12) -1(1) 1(1) 1(1) -1(1) 1(1)
46. Cheese 3.2.0 -9(13) 1(1) -1(1) 1(1)
47. Bagatur 3.7e -11(15) -1(1)
48. STRO4K 2.1 -14(16) 1(1)

Bayes Elo Ratings

Stockfish_13_CCRL is used as offset at 3526. Difference for some values in parenthesis if any. Created using Bayesian-Elo and some local scripts.

See also BayesElo rating based on previous and current season games (2 seasons). This is used in GUI and is the current rating.

TCEC rating

Ratings after last game.


Rank Name Elo + games score oppo. draws
1 Stockfish 3660 18 18 536 60% 3591 53%
2 LCZero 3633 18 18 547 53% 3607 52%
3 Stockfish_15_300M 3613 12 12 1095 56% 3572 70%
4 KomodoDragon 3587 29 29 195 58% 3533 55%
5 Stockfish_15_100M 3571 7 7 3146 54% 3542 68%
6 Berserk 3557 83 83 24 58% 3503 58%
7 RubiChess 3528 26 26 245 52% 3510 59%
8 Stockfish_13_CCRL 3522 9 9 2048 51% 3517 69%
9 Ethereal 3520 30 30 191 50% 3519 57%
10 Obsidian 3519 77 77 28 59% 3451 61%
11 Stockfish_15_30M_4th 3517 6 6 5120 51% 3508 69%
12 Igel 3500 27 27 231 50% 3498 61%
13 Stockfish_15_30M 3498 7 7 3181 49% 3503 67%
14 Seer 3484 38 38 117 55% 3450 55%
15 rofChade 3484 39 39 118 55% 3446 50%
16 Stoofvlees 3476 35 35 149 46% 3498 42%
17 Revenge 3441 39 39 111 51% 3432 49%
18 Clover 3441 29 29 207 58% 3387 51%
19 Caissa 3433 30 30 194 58% 3377 46%
20 Minic 3430 37 37 125 50% 3430 55%
21 Stockfish_15_10M 3425 7 7 3236 46% 3451 63%
22 Viridithas 3422 31 31 188 56% 3378 53%
23 SlowChess 3414 37 37 124 38% 3500 52%
24 akimbo 3403 77 77 28 54% 3379 50%
25 Altair 3398 80 80 28 57% 3343 50%
26 Arasan 3396 38 38 122 52% 3385 53%
27 DeepSjeng 3379 29 29 200 50% 3380 56%
28 Smallbrain 3377 44 44 88 54% 3351 58%
29 Uralochka 3374 39 39 114 50% 3373 54%
30 BlackMarlin 3368 40 40 100 51% 3364 63%
31 ScorpioNN 3367 40 40 107 44% 3410 54%
32 Booot 3355 42 42 94 54% 3322 57%
33 Stockfish_15_3M 3350 9 9 2220 51% 3341 59%
34 Ginkgo 3344 41 41 102 43% 3393 52%
35 Willow 3341 76 76 28 50% 3338 57%
36 Weiss 3334 46 46 85 54% 3302 51%
37 Stormphrax 3331 80 80 28 55% 3290 54%
38 Velvet 3329 41 41 104 47% 3347 54%
39 Marvin 3315 40 40 103 45% 3354 58%
40 Equisetum 3302 42 42 101 50% 3306 51%
41 Tucano 3286 40 40 108 44% 3326 60%
42 Wasp 3280 36 36 135 41% 3333 53%
43 Texel 3275 77 77 28 48% 3286 54%
44 Halogen 3272 47 47 76 41% 3329 54%
45 Winter 3260 47 47 80 48% 3267 46%
46 BlackCore 3260 51 51 68 47% 3278 50%
47 Stockfish_15_1M 3255 9 9 2182 52% 3243 56%
48 Mantissa 3239 58 58 56 46% 3259 32%
49 Stash 3238 45 45 92 46% 3265 39%
50 Expositor 3235(-1) 44 44 95(+1) 44% 3279 52%
51 Avalanche 3225 78 78 28 45% 3253 61%
52 Mr_Bob 3188 44 44 91 43% 3236 46%
53 Counter 3172 86 86 24 50% 3172 42%
54 ChessFighter 3145 46 46 90 43% 3187 40%
55 Stockfish_15_300k 3132 9 9 2138 52% 3117 49%
56 Cheng 3120 81 81 30 43% 3158 33%
57 StockDory 3117(+1) 46 46 91(+1) 40% 3184 43%
58 Gull 3116 53 53 66 66% 3002 47%
59 4ku 3043 31 31 228 59% 2887 42%
60 ice4 3008 31 31 228 54% 2898 42%
61 Stockfish_15_100k 2971 9 9 2136 53% 2946 39%
62 Critter 2966 75 75 32 45% 2994 41%
63 Cheese 2957 86 86 26 29% 3106 35%
64 Bagatur 2891 66 66 58 29% 3065 17%
65 OliThink 2820 96 96 32 23% 3060 16%
66 Glaurung_2.2_CCRL 2790(+1) 58 58 72 57% 2684 28%
67 Crafty_25.2_CCRL 2766 80 80 36 18% 2996 25%
68 STRO4K 2758 44 44 152 48% 2708 19%
69 Stockfish_15_30k 2747 10 10 2080 51% 2737 30%
70 Glaurung 2507 111 111 28 36% 2585 14%
71 Stockfish_15_10k 2499 12 12 2072 55% 2440 18%
72 M4sseur 2305 122 122 50 40% 2426 4%
73 Stockfish_15_3k 2126 15 15 2066 50% 2114 9%
74 pygone 1821 116 116 54 21% 2403 2%
75 Stockfish_15_1k 1730 21 21 1048 8% 2114 8%
76 sunfish 1519 122 122 10 50% 1519 80%
77 moonfish 1519 77 77 78 12% 2240 14%