TCEC Season 26, L2, Game 22: Marvin 6.3.0Stormphrax 4.1.5_5623fa8

By Aloril

Currently playing: 23. Ginkgo 4.12-Viridithas 13.0.0-dev Previous game 22. Marvin 6.3.0-5-Stormphrax 4.1.5_5623fa8 1/2-1/2 added to BayesElo lists, result table: Position in r-mobility table and r-moblity points can give different order in some cases Pos Engine Rating % Points Games Direct encounter SB r-mobility points r-mobility -/- points 1. Obsidian dev-11.15 3480±42 83.3 2.5 3 0.0…

TCEC Season 26, L2, Game 11: Marvin 6.3.0Uralochka 3.41.dev4-avx512

By Aloril

Currently playing: 12. Ginkgo 4.12-Obsidian dev-11.15 Previous game 11. Marvin 6.3.0-5-Uralochka 3.41.dev4-avx512 1/2-1/2 added to BayesElo lists, result table: Position in r-mobility table and r-moblity points can give different order in some cases Pos Engine Rating % Points Games Direct encounter SB r-mobility points r-mobility -/- points 1. Obsidian dev-11.15 3479±43 100.0 1.0 1 0.0…

Opening mates

By Aloril

All mates 3..10 ply from standard starting position for given depths, some deeper mates, total compressed size 2.5GiB, most of it at ply10. Currently total number of mate0..mate11 positions found so far is 741187289.