TCEC Season 15, Division 4b, Game 46 speculation simulation

By Aloril

For standings with all tiebreaks and ratings using all games in this season regardless of upgrades and also previous season(s) if same version see previous post Output from BayesElo program Rank Player name Points EPoints StdDev ERank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 pirarucu 2.9.5 8.5 15.64 1.26 1.04 97 2…

TCEC Season 15, Division 4b, Game 45: Bagatur 1.5f-pirarucu 2.9.5

By Aloril

Currently playing: 46. Gaviota 1.01-pirarucu 2.9.5 Previous game 45. Bagatur 1.5f-pirarucu 2.9.5 0-1 added to BayesElo lists, result table: Seed: 1552419996102993 Pos Engine Rating Points Games -Crash Direct encounter Wins SB random() 1. pirarucu 2.9.5 3303±221 8.5 9 0 0.0 8 34.25 0.32 2. Wasp 3.59 3109±168 6.0 9 0 0.0 4 21.25 0.22 3.…

TCEC Season 15, Division 4b, Game 45 speculation simulation

By Aloril

For standings with all tiebreaks and ratings using all games in this season regardless of upgrades and also previous season(s) if same version see previous post Output from BayesElo program Rank Player name Points EPoints StdDev ERank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 pirarucu 2.9.5 7.5 15.60 1.32 1.05 96 3…

TCEC Season 15, Division 4b, Game 44: Jumbo 3.59

By Aloril

Currently playing: 45. Bagatur 1.5f-pirarucu 2.9.5 Previous game 44. Jumbo 3.59 0-1 added to BayesElo lists, result table: Seed: 1552415656698402 Pos Engine Rating Points Games -Crash Direct encounter Wins SB random() 1. pirarucu 2.9.5 3301±220 7.5 8 0 0.0 7 33.75 1.00 2. Wasp 3.59 3101±173 6.0 9 0 0.0 4 21.25 0.43 3.…

TCEC Season 15, Division 4b, Game 44 speculation simulation

By Aloril

For standings with all tiebreaks and ratings using all games in this season regardless of upgrades and also previous season(s) if same version see previous post Output from BayesElo program Rank Player name Points EPoints StdDev ERank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 pirarucu 2.9.5 7.5 15.58 1.32 1.05 97 3…

TCEC Season 15, Division 4b, Game 43: Monolith 1-chess22k 1.12

By Aloril

Currently playing: 44. Jumbo 3.59 Previous game 43. Monolith 1-chess22k 1.12 1-0 added to BayesElo lists, result table: Seed: 1552412491588216 Pos Engine Rating Points Games -Crash Direct encounter Wins SB random() 1. pirarucu 2.9.5 3299±219 7.5 8 0 0.0 7 32.75 0.37 2. Monolith 1 3060±176 5.5 9 0 0.5 4 18.00 0.92 3.…

TCEC Season 15, Division 4b, Game 43 speculation simulation

By Aloril

For standings with all tiebreaks and ratings using all games in this season regardless of upgrades and also previous season(s) if same version see previous post Output from BayesElo program Rank Player name Points EPoints StdDev ERank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 pirarucu 2.9.5 7.5 15.57 1.32 1.06 95 4…

TCEC Season 15, Division 4b, Game 42: ScorpioNN 2.9.0-Marvin 20190228

By Aloril

Currently playing: 43. Monolith 1-chess22k 1.12 Previous game 42. ScorpioNN 2.9.0-Marvin 20190228 1/2-1/2 added to BayesElo lists, result table: Seed: 1552408746807216 Pos Engine Rating Points Games -Crash Direct encounter Wins SB random() 1. pirarucu 2.9.5 3298±218 7.5 8 0 0.0 7 31.75 0.22 2. chess22k 1.12 3116±180 5.5 8 -1 0.0 4 17.25 0.72 3.…

TCEC Season 15, Division 4b, Game 42 speculation simulation

By Aloril

For standings with all tiebreaks and ratings using all games in this season regardless of upgrades and also previous season(s) if same version see previous post Output from BayesElo program Rank Player name Points EPoints StdDev ERank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 pirarucu 2.9.5 7.5 15.56 1.32 1.06 95 4…

TCEC Season 15, Division 4b, Game 41: AllieStein v0.1-n4-Gaviota 1.01

By Aloril

Currently playing: 42. ScorpioNN 2.9.0-Marvin 20190228 Previous game 41. AllieStein v0.1-n4-Gaviota 1.01 1/2-1/2 added to BayesElo lists, result table: Seed: 1552405078342401 Pos Engine Rating Points Games -Crash Direct encounter Wins SB random() 1. pirarucu 2.9.5 3317±218 7.5 8 0 0.0 7 30.75 0.38 2. chess22k 1.12 3134±180 5.5 8 -1 0.0 4 16.75 0.18 3.…